Child friendly classrooms and schedules

Little Einsteins Preschool Academy offers multiple classrooms for specific ages. Each classroom is specially designed to offer a Montessori style of learning. This learning style enables children to explore their classroom and choose their learning tools thus building confidence and self help skills and adding value to their choices. Children at the earliest ages are taught to care for their classroom and others as well as how important they are in their classroom community through their involvement. Each toy, activity, and "circle time" is geared toward skill building and cognitive development. Every age level participates in four "circle time" activities through out the course of the day. Each circle has a focus to help equip your child in a developmentally appropriate fashion and to nurture a deeper level of thought and understanding of their world, God and society.
*Montessori is an education philosophy and practice that fosters rigorous, self-motivated growth for children in all areas of their development, with a goal of nurturing each child's natural desire for knowledge, understanding, and respect.
Sample Routine/Daily Schedule:
7:00 Arrivals begin and children enjoy "free" play in activity centers while classmates enter through the morning hours
8:15 Children begin cleaning as they prepare for breakfast
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Children play in learning centers while others finish with breakfast and teachers clean,
care for children's toileting needs and/or diapering
9:15 Circle 1- Children 2 years and older participate in the Pledge of Allegiance, calendar,
weather, and Bible story activity, sing songs and pick a helper of the day.
Children under 2 read stories, look at picture books and sing songs.
9:40 Children go to activity centers. In our 3 and 4 year old classes, teachers pull small groups
of children to the side to work on individual writing skills, art activities, scissor training, alphabet and number activities or social studies. While teachers assist in these activities, children have choices in which activity they work on first and in many cases, how these activities are carried out.
10:20 Circle 2 (Literacy circle)- Letter awareness, phonics, reading rhythms, and kindergarten
training is the focus of this group time for 3 and 4 year old children. Flannel boards,
themed story books and puppets are used for younger children.
10:30 Outdoor time. Children are able to use those large muscle groups to run, play, pretend and explore our playground areas.
11:15 Clean up for lunch. Toileting needs and diapering needs are cared for during this time
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Circle 3- Children finish with lunch and return to the classroom carpet area for a pre-selected group activity. During this time, there is a focused strategy for sharing, taking turns, game rules and following directions. For 3s and 4s, this time may be used for
listening and moving activities, group counting or problem solving or science and
nature discovery. For younger children, this is a time for quiet stories as preparation for
12:30 Prep for naptime. Toileting or diapering
12:45 Children move to cots for rest time
2:45 Children begin waking. Toileting and diapering needs are met
3:00 Afternoon snack
3:30 Dancing or energetic game prior
Circle 4- Children and teachers talk about concerns for the day, wrap up any activities
that were not completed and finish the circle time with a story, flannel board or songs.
4:00 Outdoor time- Science discovery time for 3 and 4 year old children (Curriculum Science time)
5:00 Return to classroom for toileting needs, preparation for parents and limited play areas.
5:30 Remaining children may be relocated with other groups as parents arrive.
6:00 Cleaning up and closing time for teachers.