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Our classrooms

"One test of the correctness of educational        procedure is the happiness of the child."
                                                                   Maria Montessori

​Cuddlers and Roamers Class

Our Cuddler side of the two and under department consists of children who have not begun walking.  We have designed our classroom to be able to divide rooms so that our tiniest members can have stress free tummy time and exploration ability while still allowing them times to view and engage in activities with our mobile group. Special focus is put on allowing these little ones to discover just how mighty their bodies are and how strong their minds can be.  This age has their own private outdoor deck space with Trex flooring to allow them freedom to crawl and explore when weather permits. Our Roamers area allows for plenty of room for movement and free choice which is essential to their learning. Activities that enhance their hand-eye coordination, language skills, and cognitive development are daily happenings.  Intense language development through song, books and teacher directives helps these little ones better equip themselves with verbal communication so that tantrums and unappealing discipline episodes are kept to a minimum once they hit that two-year mark.

Explorers Class
Children two+ years old are our "explorers" and this group learns best with hands on involvement.   At this age children prefer to do things on their own and in our Montessori style classroom they will have every opportunity to choose and select as they see fit with special guidance from their teachers.​  Intentional group activities that help develop problem solving, higher thinking and social awareness will spur these children to become eager learners and productive far above the imagination.

Dreamers Class
Our "dreamers" are our three+ year old children.  This group is ready for deeper thinking, problem solving and early reading preparation.  Teachers guide this group to help prepare them for kindergarten and the rest of their school career.  Social skills and proper school process as well as peer mindfulness are developed so that a smoother transition can be had once children graduate to elementary school settings.  A Bible Curriculum is part of the first "circle time". Three other circle times cover, reading and comprehension, math and science and socailly acceptable play.



 **All children will undergo two developmental assessments each year.  These assessments are put in place to help seek out children who may need additional help and a more focused level of assistance in learning.  Parents will be required to participate in at least one parent-teacher conference per year.  In most cases, these conferences are informational.

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